
50 Beautiful Printed Brochure Designs For Your Inspiration

Posted by Harshad

50 Beautiful Printed Brochure Designs For Your Inspiration

50 Beautiful Printed Brochure Designs For Your Inspiration

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 02:32 AM PST

Getting tired of the dull trivial brochures that you get on the streets? When you receive brochures of this kind, what do you do with them? Do you take a quick look and then dump it in the nearest available trash can? That’s not what these brochure makers want.

They want to hook you in, make you read the information inside. But in order to do that, they have to be pretty creative to make you keep reading.

In this post I will be sharing with you 50 incredible printed brochure and booklet brochure designs that will help inspire your creativity. These are great ideas for you to improve on your own unique brochure designs.

Note also the influence of web design in modern print design – the use of headers, a lot of white space, and typography choices.

Lake Source

Quem Sou Eu? Who Am I?


Spencer’s Crossing


Farmers Market Brochure

Vespa Brochure

Lois Armstrong Cover

Brazil – Brochure

RVC CPD Brochure 2013

Corporate Business Brochure


Minimal Eyes Brochure

Weight Watchers 360 Program

Tourist Guide Brochure

United States Postal Service Re-Branding

Taj Villas


Hilton F&B Brochure

Foodland Spring Recipe Book 2012

WildLife Brigade

NTU Art & Design Book 08/09

2012 Haworth Seating Promotions Brochure

SDA Cafe Brochure Out

Konami Gaming KP3 Pop-Up Brochure

Cmattic Brochure

Exclusive Horizontal Brochure

Brochure / Poster


Hot Club Portugal

A Project for the Singapore Central Narcotics Bureau

Design Futures Exhibition Materials


RW Swiss Style Brochure


Color Splashes & Textures: Concept Design & Photography

We Speak Design 2011


Grund – Design Trend Collection

Deep Funk Records Brochure

Graphic Floral Shop Brochure Template

Trendy Flower Shop Brochure Template

Retro Barbershop Brochure Template

YPT 2012 Season Brochure

Counseling Brochure Template

Dream of Mind

MCA – A5 Brochure Design

Southern Colour

Underground Cookery School

Pantone Brief

Wallpaper Wednesday: Cartoonic Wallpapers

Posted: 20 Feb 2013 06:08 AM PST

We were all kids once. If you agree to that, we assume that you like cartoonish artworks as well. Even some of us who are well into adulthood fall to the allure and the attention-grabbing powers of cartoon-inspired artwork. Their tongue-in-cheek cuteness and sometimes childhood-memory-evoking powers make them the perfect desktop wallpapers to have if you like to start your day with a smile.

(Image Source: XxSarahJxX)

For this week’s Wallpaper Wednesday, we are glad to present to you 17 minimalistic and cute cartoonic wallpapers that would bring out the cheekiness within you and squash your worries (at least for the week).

Dexter. Available in 1600×1200 and a different version.


My Bad. Available in 1920×1200.


Vamp Sloorpy. Available in 1280×800.


Excited Sloorpy. Available in 1280×800.


The Happy Bird Day. Available in 1920×1200.


Baby Spider. Available in 1920×1080.


Earthworm Jim. Available in 1920×1080.


Odd Wallpaper. Available in 1920×1200.


Oh No Smashed Krembo. Available in 3072×1728.


Killer Whale. Available in 3000×2000.


Happy Hills. Available in the following size: 1280×1024, 1920×1080. Download zip.


Momocheet And Bu. Available in 1600×1200.


Prison Break. Available in 1600×1200.


Cookie Monster. Available in 1920×1200. Download rar.


Cake Is Awesome. Available in 1600×1200.


Psychonauts. Available in 1920×1080.


Rarw I’m Hungry. Available in 1280×800.


An Introduction to CSS3 calc() Function

Posted: 19 Feb 2013 11:38 PM PST

In our previous posts on CSS Pre-processors, we have discussed how we can calculate length with their special functions. To tell the truth, we can also do similar things in CSS3 with the new function named calc(). In this post, we will see how to utilize this function in the stylesheet.

Using calc() function

As mentioned above, we can use calc() to determine lengths like width, height, margin, padding, font-size, etc. To measure, we can use Mathematical expressions: Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplication.

For an example, let’s say, we have three <div> within a wrapper, as shown below.

  <div class="col one">A</div>  <div class="col two">B</div>  <div class="col three">C</div>  

With calc() function, we can easily set these <div> into columns with equal width this way.

  .wrapper .col {  	width: calc(100% / 3);  	padding: 0 10px;  }  

The following Mathematical operation calc(100% / 3); divides 100% of the parent width by three and here is how it turns out in the browsers. The three <div> are having equal width.

Follow the link below to see it in action.

Additionally, Kurt Maine also shown how calc() function is really useful for creating responsive layout.

A few things to note

There are a few things worth noting when using calc() function.

  • First, the calculation is conducted from left to right.
  • Division or Multiplication will be calculated first and Math expressions inside parentheses will also be calculated first.
  • The calc() is currently not supported in Opera.
  • Prefix, -moz- and -webkit-, is needed to cover earlier Firefox and Chrome versions.
  • We can use different units for the Operation, for example calc(50% – 10px)
  • + and - signs have to be separated with whitespaces, for example calc(100% -5px) will return invalid, as it is only interpreted as percentage followed by negative value. But, whitespaces are not needed for * and / sign.

Final Thought

Prior to CSS3 and CSS Pre-processor, we are limited to fixed type of length. Today, with calc() function we are able to set length in a smarter way and below are a few references to dig into this function further.

Have you tried using this function in your latest website?


  1. Unknown said...

    I recommend Brochure Design Service as I had to do a brochure for a commercial advisor in the past and they did a great job. You can call him to 1-888-289-3861

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