
C-Wars brings classic Beat 'em up action to a Tower Defense game

Posted by Harshad

C-Wars brings classic Beat 'em up action to a Tower Defense game

C-Wars brings classic Beat 'em up action to a Tower Defense game

Posted: 03 Oct 2013 04:15 PM PDT

A Cyberpunk world, in a post apocalyptic wasteland being infested by a zombie army? C-Wars seems to hit all of the major buzzwords that would set off any gamer's alarm. Onipunks' brainchild might turn off many players who have been jaded by the promises of many so so and eh-inducing games released this year, the ones that seemed to be the products of some assembly-line design model created to separate us from our money. But after playing the Demo, it would be a lie to say I'm anything less than ecstatic that this game has been successfully funded through Kickstarter. Just check out the crazy trailer:

C-Wars resulted from three years of development, pulling inspiration from franchises like Super Robot War, Fallout, Call of Duty, and Dead Space. The game plays like Tower Defense but with a twist; C-Wars lets you take control of your main characters and head for the front lines, Dynasty Warrior-style. Fight off zombies, gangsters, and an evil army (all the usual suspects except maybe vampires and Nazis). I'm not really sure why the hero here is fighting, but the game is a blast to play. Never having been a huge fan of many Tower Defense games, with the exception of Plants vs. Zombies, I found the hands-on play of C-Wars a breath of fresh air from the stale wait-and-see tactic of old. C-Wars hasn't been officially released, but you can try out th... [Read more]


Tab overload slowing you down? Speed up your browsing with TGS for Chrome

Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:25 PM PDT

Tab browsing is an amazing tool for multitaskers and ADHD-prone Web surfers everywhere. But one of the most annoying things about using Google Chrome's tab feature is the massive amount of resources it sucks up. Even though we love the idea of multiple tabs, chances are we aren't looking at every one of them at the same time. And because Chrome opens every new tab as a separate process, your system is left with very little memory for anything else. The Great Suspender, a Chrome extension, aims to solve this problem by putting on hold the tabs you aren't actively working on.

(Credit: Screenshot by Tuong Nguyen/CNET)

The extension essentially mini-bookmarks a site not currently being viewed and puts it in stasis. This consolidates any tabs you're not using into a single low-powered system process. TGS pauses the page from loading until you're ready to return to it. The extension offers a customizable timer for duration of tab inactivity before suspension. You can also whitelist specific pages like e-mails if you need them to be accessible at all times.

(Credit: Screenshot by Tuong Nguyen/CNET)

Ever since installing The Great Suspender, I've watched my Physical Memory usage, gener... [Read more]


Apple's iOS 7 kills student filters on school iPads -- report

Posted: 03 Oct 2013 09:02 AM PDT

(Credit: James Martin/CNET)

Apple's iOS 7 might be causing some extra headaches for schools, according to a new report.

Several school superintendents have reported to All Things Digital on Thursday that after updating to iOS 7, the iPads they were supervising have been stripped of their filters, allowing students to potentially access inappropriate content.

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