
40+ Creative Designer Tees You Will Love

Posted by Harshad

40+ Creative Designer Tees You Will Love

40+ Creative Designer Tees You Will Love

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 08:01 AM PDT

All of us have a weakness. I'd like to confess that T-shirts are my weakness and if I only could, I'd buy all T-shirt designs I can find on the Web. For me, a T-shirt is not just another piece of clothing. A tee is a great way to express yourself with text, images, collages or even just with colors.

Want to declare your love for a cause or protest an injustice? Put it on a T-shirt! Even without using your voice, the more people who wear the same shirt, the ‘louder’ the support.

Today though, we’re just going to enjoy some creative t-shirt designs. I spent hours browsing T-shirt design shops and have handpicked some 40+ creative examples of T-shirt designs for both boys and girls. From astronauts to zombies, carnivors to lion kings, these T-shirt designs may convert you to be a T-shirt lover like me!

1. No King

2. Summer Voyage

3. Peace to Meet You

5. Rocket

4. Wild Cat

5. Black Rose Wolf Shirt

6. Poked to death T-shirt

7. Lady Fox

8. Re-Born

9. Defenders of the Sky

10. Dino Frenzy

11. Eastern Sunset

12. All of Time and Space

13. Barnabus

14. Use Your Brain

15. Never Date an Astronaut

16. Adventure Wars

17. Call of the Wild

18. The Happy Adventurer

19. Play My Musical Robot

20. Phases

21. Four Spirits

22. Peace Rocks

23. Walk of Life

24. Purity In Red

25. True Colors

26. La Dolce Vita

27. Analog Android

28. Rose Marry

29. Irie Eye

30. Hug T-shirt

31. Lighting Bulb

32. French Bulldog Boss

33. Deforestation

34. Black Lips

35. Astronomical

36. Tyrannosaurus RAD

37. The Yeti on Vacation

38. View Master

39. Acid Rain

40. The Hanging City

41. Beauty Before Death

42. Husk

43. Swing


Customizing Browser Scroll Bar With CSS / jQuery

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 06:01 AM PDT

Windows, OS X and Linux have their own style for the scroll bar as you can see in the following screenshot. This in return could lead to undesired results and consistencies for your design.

In this post we will see what we can do to customize the scroll bar look so that it can sit well with your overall design.

Internet Explorer 5.5

Back in IE 5.5, the Internet Explorer team introduced a set of non-standard CSS properties that allows us to style the scroll bar, as follows.

 body { scrollbar-face-color: #000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #2D2C4D; scrollbar-highlight-color:#7D7E94; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #7D7E94; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #2D2C4D; scrollbar-track-color: #7D7E94; scrollbar-arrow-color: #C1C1D1; } 

There is even a software to generate these style rules. However, these properties do not totally control the scrollbar, only the colors. In addition, these properties has been dropped since Internet Explorer 6, so they are no longer applicable today.

(Image source: CSS Scrollbar Color Designer)

Using jQuery Plugin

There are a number of jQuery plugins to customize the scroll bar. One that is really popular is jScrollPane. jScrollPane converts the scrollbar into HTML structure so it can be fully customized through CSS, and it also has better cross-browser support. Furthermore, with the APIs provided you can also set scroll bar behaviour on certain mouse events.

The only downside is that it relies on a number of other JavaScript libraries: jQuery, Mousewheel. Technically, having to load a lot JavaScript combined could affect your website performance. But at the moment, using jQuery is the only best option if you are concerned about browser support.

Alternative jQuery Plugins

Webkit CSS Properties

Webkit introduced its proprietary CSS scrollbar selectors, as follows.

 ::-webkit-scrollbar ::-webkit-scrollbar-button ::-webkit-scrollbar-track ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner ::-webkit-resizer 

These selectors allow you to customize the scrollbar styles in browsers powered with Webkit such as Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Here is a basic example of the implementation.

 ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background-color: #eaeaea; border-left: 1px solid #ccc; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: #ccc; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background-color: #aaa; } 






The Next Web


17 Breathtaking Parallel Worlds Desktop Wallpapers

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 03:01 AM PDT

If you believe in parallel universes, you are not alone. It is an interesting topic to think about and an even more interesting one to illustrate for everyone to see. If you love unique, weird, cool and out-of-this-world fantasy-themed wallpaper like this one right here, today’s collection is going to blow your mind.

Two Worlds Wallpaper

We have gathered here 17 wallpapers depicting the borders where two worlds collide into one. Be it underwater or in space, floating in mid-air or on the other side of a wall, if you need to disappear into another world for just a while, these wallpapers will do the trick for you.

Marine City Art. Available in various sizes.

Marine City Art

Fantasy Gate. Available in various sizes.

Fantasy Gate

Parallel World Underwater. Available in various sizes.

Parallel World Underwater

Fishing Manipulation. Available in various sizes.

Fishing Manipulation

The Big Turtle. Available in 1920×1080.

The Big Turtle

Parallel Worlds. Available in 1920×1200.

Alternate Perspective

Two Worlds. Available in 1280×1024.

Two Worlds

Los Angeles Vs New York. Available in various sizes.

Los Angeles Vs New York

Parallel Universe. Available in 1920×1080.

Parallel Universe

Alternate Perspective. Available in 1920×1080.

Alternate Perspective

Air. Available in 1280×720.


Fantasy Door. Available in 1680×1050.

Fantasy Door

Fantasy Artistic. Available in various sizes.

Fantasy Artistic

Surreal Zip. Available in 1920×1080.

Surreal Zip

Magic Gateway. Available in the following size(s): 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×960, 1280×1024.

Magic Gateway

Underworld. Available in various sizes.


Underwater City. Available in 1920×1080.

Underwater City



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