
Westward Ho! Hit the (virtual) road and start a new life on the Organ Trail.

Posted by Harshad

Westward Ho! Hit the (virtual) road and start a new life on the Organ Trail.

Westward Ho! Hit the (virtual) road and start a new life on the Organ Trail.

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 07:36 AM PST

Oregon Trail is the quintessential classic of the computer gaming era. Some say that it was Pong or Tetris that really launched video gaming into mainstream consciousness. But neither Pong nor Tetris had you struggling to control an internal tantrum in the middle of Math class when you lose your wagon while fording a river.

Here's the plan, we'll grab Liz, go to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over.

(Credit: Screenshot by Tuong Nguyen/CNET)

Originally a Flash game and Facebook app, Organ Trail garnered so many positive reviews that the developers launched a successful Kickstarter project which allowed them to fund the creation of the "Director's cut". The first version of Organ Trail was a dead on parody of its namesake, while the DC version (Commercial release for iOS and Android) added a slew of extra features that allow the game to stand on its own.

There are many ways to barter... I like Jay as a person I do. But 50 fuel cans and getting rid of dead weight is a sweet deal.

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