
Breathtaking Dark Wallpapers For Your Desktop

Posted by Harshad

Breathtaking Dark Wallpapers For Your Desktop

Breathtaking Dark Wallpapers For Your Desktop

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 02:51 PM PDT

For most of us black is the color of something enigmatic, obscure and even dangerous. We tend to associate black with negative feelings and a kind of asuffering and loneliness. But in fact this is a rather wrong attitude towards this color. Black can be inspiring, powerful, it can make such a dramatic effect on the viewer like no other color would ever do.

(Image Source: Wallbase.cc/)

We’ve already shown you the meaning and beauty of black color showcasing amazing dark desktop wallpapers. Now it is the high time to remind you of it, and strike your eye with another portion of astounding black (dark) wallpapers that will make you say "wow"! You’ll be surprised how simple and habitual things can look so great while being a part of dark-colored design. Get ready. Enjoy!

Deliverance. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050.

Exodus. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200, 1680×1050, 1440×900, 1280×800. Download pack.

Winter Wallpaper. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1080, 2560×1024, 2560×1600. Download pack.

Space Lighthouse. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×1024.

Kitsune Noir. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050.

Mystery Face. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1400×1050, 1600×1200, 1280×800, 1440×900, 1680×1050, 1920×1200.

The Truth. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Ascendence. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

Oraculum. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1000, 1600×1200, 1920×1200, 2000×1125. Download pack.

The Perfect Storm. Available in the following sizes(s): 5000×3500.

Enigmatic Lady. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1600×900, 1680×1050, 1920×1200.

Temperance. Available in the following sizes(s): 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1920×1200. Download zip pack.

Grunge Wallpaper. Available in the following sizes(s): 2500×1600, 1280×1024. Download pack.

Vampire. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×1024.

Down on NYC. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050, 1920×1200.

Demon Of The Fall.. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768.

The Bridge. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×960, 1280×800, 1440×900. Download pack.

Space Dark Planet. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

Joker’s Quotes. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1080.

Rockets In The Sky. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1132.

City Sleeps. Available in the following sizes(s): 1220×820.

The Bridge. Available in the following sizes(s): 2560×1024.

Lost Old House. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050.

Loneliness In Autumn. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Fantastic. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050, 1600×1000, 1440×900, 1280×800.

Surreal Scene. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1080.

Night Over Water. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050.

The Rise Of A Planet. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1920×1080, 1920×1200.

Echos. Available in the following sizes(s): 1680×1050, 1440×900, 1280×800.

Haunted. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

Vengeance From Within. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768.

Dark Knight. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

The Dark City. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×1024.

Hall Of The Mountain King. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1080, 1920×1200. Download pack.

Night Of the Wolf. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

The Dark Waters. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×960.

Out Of The Dark. Available in the following sizes(s): 800×600, 1280×1024, 1400×1050, 1920×1200. Download zip pack.

Human’s Bequest. Available in the following sizes(s): 1440×900, 1280×800. Download pack.

Departed Soul. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×820.

Assassin Moonlight. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Dark Parquet. Available in the following sizes(s): 2896×1944.

Aphelion. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Dark Tranquility. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

Dark Blue. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×800.

Dark Knight Rises. Available in the following sizes(s): 1440×900.

Dark. Available in the following sizes(s): 2560×1440.

The Dark Age. Available in the following sizes(s): 2560×1600.

Ladybug. Available in the following sizes(s): 800×600, 1024×768, 1152×864, 1280×800, 1280×960, 1280×1024, 1400×1050, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1650×1080, 1900×1200. Download zip file.

Cor Tauri. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1920×1200. Download pack.

Dark Bridge. Available in the following sizes(s): 1440×900.

Black Summer Rain. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×1024, 1600×1200. Download pack.

The Feel Of Warmth. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×640, 1280×800, 1400×875, 1600×1000, 1920×1200, 2560×1600. Download pack.

Opeth. Available in the following sizes(s): 1280×800.

Rain. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Black Emotion. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024x768px, 1280x720px, 1280x1024px, 1440x900px, 1600x900px, 1600x1200px, 1920x1080px. Download pack.

Silent Downfall. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

The Eye. Available in the following sizes(s): 1600×1200.

MT vs. FT. Available in the following sizes(s): 1920×1200.

Raindrops. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1280×1024, 2048×1536. Download pack.

Carcaroth. Available in the following sizes(s): 1024×768, 1366×768, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050, 1920×1080, 1920×1200. Download pack.

Related posts:

  1. [Freebie] Dark Reflections Wallpaper
  2. Beautiful Ramadan Desktop Wallpapers (2012)
  3. 20 Beautiful Winter Wallpapers For Your Desktop
  4. Beautiful Ramadan Wallpapers For Your Desktop

Adding Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in Unsupported Browser

Posted: 29 Oct 2012 02:45 PM PDT

In an earlier post in this series, we have mentioned a bit about SVG’s pitfall with old browsers and using Raphael.js to serve the graphic as an alternative solution. In this post we will take a look at this matter further.

The idea is simple, we will still be using SVG elements as the primary way to deliver graphics on our webpage, but at the same time we will also provide a fallback function so that it can be still rendered in unsupported browsers.

Sure, there are many paths we can take, but we will only look into to two solutions that I think is a better generic solution. So, let’s see how we can do it.

Using Object Element

Apart from putting it directly into an HTML document, there are several ways to embed SVG. For instance, if we store the graphic in .svg file, we can use the <object> element.

  <object data='images/apple.svg'></object>  

For the demonstration purpose, we have added an Apple logo with SVG to our webpage. However, the unsupported browsers will remain empty. To solve the problem, we can serve a Bitmap graphic, as follows;

  <object data='images/apple.svg'>      <img src='images/apple.png'/>  </object>  

This way, supported browsers will still be taking the .svg, while the unsupported browsers will carry the Bitmap graphic. We have added the “png” mark below the Apple logo to track which graphic is being delivered.

However, as we have mentioned in the other post, Bitmap graphics are not as flexible and scalable as SVG. So, let’s take a look at another solution.

Using Modernizr

Another method we can use is by using Modernizr. For those of you who are not familiar with this JavaScript library, don’t worry we will have a dedicated post to cover about it. For now, just keep up with us.

First of all, let’s prepare some required JavaScript libraries, Modernizr.js and Raphael.js. Then, we also need to convert our .svg file into a Raphael-supported format with this tool, ReadySetRaphael.js, and save the output in a separate .js file; let’s name it svg.js.

Include the Modernzr.js in the HTML document, like so:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/modernizr.js"></script>  

And for the other two files, raphael.js and svg.js, we will load it conditionally, only when it is viewed in unsupported browsers.

With Modernizr we can detect the browser capability, in this case we will detect whether the browser is capable of rendering SVG, and if it is not we will serve the script:

  if (!Modernizr.inlinesvg) {  document.write(  	'<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/raphael.js"><\/script>',   	'<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/svg.js"><\/script>'  );  }  

Now we only need to add the HTML markups, as follows;

  <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="500px" height="280px" viewBox="0 0 500 280" enable-background="new 0 0 500 280" xml:space="preserve">  <path fill="#333333" d="M296.908,120.622c-8.77,6.201-13.158,13.676-13.158,22.41c0,10.458,5.425,18.479,16.262,24.076  	c-2.908,8.435-7.122,15.764-12.65,22.009c-5.516,6.243-10.553,9.368-15.11,9.368c-2.147,0-5.075-0.718-8.794-2.133l-1.782-0.687  	c-3.646-1.416-6.854-2.133-9.656-2.133c-2.641,0-5.535,0.555-8.679,1.665l-2.237,0.807l-2.818,1.154  	c-2.218,0.884-4.468,1.326-6.725,1.326c-5.328,0-11.208-4.387-17.642-13.161c-9.273-12.567-13.905-26.264-13.905-41.085  	c0-10.538,2.886-19.02,8.678-25.46c5.78-6.432,13.446-9.658,22.979-9.658c3.566,0,6.897,0.653,10,1.958l2.129,0.865l2.238,0.92  	c1.992,0.84,3.601,1.264,4.825,1.264c1.569,0,3.316-0.364,5.231-1.094l2.929-1.151l2.19-0.804c3.483-1.262,7.34-1.896,11.555-1.896  	C282.777,109.183,290.814,112.996,296.908,120.622z M273.238,82.575c0.108,1.344,0.167,2.378,0.167,3.102  	c0,6.628-2.412,12.442-7.237,17.443c-4.823,5-10.438,7.494-16.837,7.494c-0.189-1.493-0.29-2.563-0.29-3.212  	c0-5.635,2.239-10.924,6.726-15.864c4.482-4.939,9.671-7.838,15.575-8.678C271.754,82.787,272.395,82.696,273.238,82.575z"/>  </svg>    <div id="applelogo"></div>  

In the code snippet above, we have added the SVG directly into the HTML document and a div to accommodate the Raphael code. Once again to be able to notice which graphic is being delivered easily, we have also put some text below the logo inside the SVG element.

  <text x="210" y="250"<This is SVG</text>  

So, here is what we will get in the browsers.

To see it more clearly, you can view the demo from the links below and make sure you try it in different browsers; we would suggest IE8/7 and Google Chrome.

Final Thought

Alright, these are just a few examples, in particular cases they might not be that effective. But in general, these should do a favor to solve the problem on serving SVG in unsupported browsers. Lastly, if you have something to add that we’ve missed in this post, feel free to share it in the comment box below.

Thanks for reading this post and we hope you enjoyed it.


You may also be interesting in the following posts:

Related posts:

  1. A Look into: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  2. Working with Text in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  3. A Look Into: Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Animation
  4. Styling Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) with CSS


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