
Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Posted by Harshad

Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Posted: 18 Oct 2011 01:24 AM PDT

Since 1980s, the art form created by pouring steamed milk into a shot of espresso, or so called latte art, has been widely welcomed within the modern society, which thirsts for elegance and beauty. With the strong need of the society, the Baristas, coffeehouse bartenders, have sought for creativity and evolution for the latte art since then, resulting in plethora of patterns and even variants in the industry.

latte art Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples
(Image Source: R. E.)

Why latte art? It’s just not only about showing the artistic talent of the baristas, but making the latte more visually appealing, sexy, and apparently more delicious. And for this post, we’re gonna deliver you 40 very delicious examples of the latte art. No words, no description, just the art. Enjoy them and if you’re like me, you might feel the aroma floated from these charming examples!

3 Oz Hot Chocolate. (Image Source: ericagisme)

3 oz hot chocolate Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

A Cup For Winter Morning. (Image Source: PoYang)

a cup for winter morning Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

A Cup Of Fire-Breathing Dragon. (Image Source: jrobblee)

a cup of fire breathing dragon Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Andrew’s Cap. (Image Source: dogmilque)

andrews cap Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Art Of Hotchoc. (Image Source: jibbilittle)

art of hotchoc Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Bakery Bar Hot Cocoa. (Image Source: pdxhipsterdoofus)

bakery bar hot cocoa Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Bang Fo’ Yo’ Buck! (Image Source: nicely85)

bang fo yo buck Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cafe Mocha. (Image Source: LuisMacalinao)

cafe mocha Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino And A Cookie. (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

cappuccino and a cookie Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino At Intelligentsia Coffee. (Image Source: R. E.)

cappuccino at intelligentsia coffee Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cappuccino & Post. (Image Source: Raphael Borja)

cappuccino and post Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Cute Bear. (Image Source: okayama)

cute bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Epicenter Friday: Cappuccino. (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

epicenter friday cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Espresso Macchiato. (Image Source: Arancia Project)

espresso macchiato Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Etching. (Image Source: Lameen)

etching Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Flat White. (Image Source: Lameen)

flat white Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Floral Display. (Image Source: JTeale)

floral display Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Four Barrel Mon: Cappuccino. (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

four barrel mon cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art At Cafe. (Image Source: tom.glanz)

latte art at cafe Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art Butterfly. (Image Source: meirzafri)

latte art butterfly Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Art: Kiki. (Image Source: dola_dola)

latte art kiki Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte And Plants. (Image Source: Anders Madsen)

latte and plants Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Bear. (Image Source: Nekousa)

latte bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte Flower. (Image Source: thevoyager)

latte flower Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Latte In The Dark. (Image Source: Junojuno2010)

latte in the dark Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Love Latte. (Image Source: PoYang)

love latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Lovely Pour. (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

lovely pour Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Meow. (Image Source: Nekousa)

meow Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Moka Tulip. (Image Source: LATTEGARCIA)

moka tulip Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

On The Grass. (Image Source: PoYang)

on the grass Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Pity Bear. (Image Source: MiKA FOTO)

pity bear Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Ripe Cake And Cappuccino. (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

ripe cake and cappuccino Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Rosetta. (Image Source: pieeetr)

rosetta Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Simple. (Image Source: Kuba Bożanowski)

simple Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Smiling Sun. (Image Source: okayama)

smiling sun Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Sunshine Latte! (Image Source: Premshree Pillai)

sunshine latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Tierra Mia Coffee: Latte. (Image Source: R. E.)

tierra mia coffee latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Today’s Latte. (Image Source: shomagi)

todays latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Warm Latte. (Image Source: Michelia Kramer)

warm latte Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples

Wood Latte Art. (Image Source: baristang)

wood latte art Latte Art: 40 Very Delicious Examples


I’m personally a big fan of latte, and I’m really impressed with the art capability achieved by mainly steamed milk and espresso. As I’ve described before, it makes the latte looks more delicious, and somehow I feel really good emotionally by just looking at these warmfully crafted latte art.

What do you think, or feel about the latte art? Are they essential enough to make the latte tastes better, or you are the minimalist who prefers just pure latte without drawing on it? Let us know your thought in your comment, and don’t forget to share us your delicious latte art found in anywhere!


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