
100 Imaginative “Cities of the Future” Artworks

Posted by Harshad

100 Imaginative “Cities of the Future” Artworks

100 Imaginative “Cities of the Future” Artworks

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 02:22 AM PST

What the future might hold has long been a topic of speculation for artists and creative types. Trying to imagine what the world around us might look like in twenty, fifty, hundred years, or even end of the world can provide hours of entertainment. And it’s obvious that those artists and designers who take the time to create concepts of what they think the future might hold for us put a lot of time and consideration into their pieces.

cities of the future 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Below are 100 fantastic artworks depicting what the future of the city might be. There’s a lot of diversity in the images, with everything from dark, almost apocalyptic, scenes to bright eco-utopias.


Utopia City (Image credit: JamesHillGallery)

UtopiaCityJamesHillGallery 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Of The Future (Image credit: Killerethyl)

cityofthefuturekillerethyl 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City of the Spheres (Image credit: Voyager212)

CityoftheSpheresVoyager212 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future City 1 (Image credit: PeteAmachree)

futurecity1peteamachree 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City of the Future (Image credit: Jacob07777)

CityoftheFuturebyjacob07777 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future World 2 (Image credit: RudolfHerczog)

FutureWorld2RudolfHerczog 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future Road (Image credit: DaniNaimare)

futureroaddaninaimare 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future Cityscape Concept WIP 5 (Image credit: Toiletbear)

futurecityscapeconcepttoiletbear 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

3D Future City (Image credit: Forcg)

3DFutureCityforcg 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City (Image credit: Yty2000)

Cityyty2000 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future City Concept (Image credit: Cok3ster)

FutureCityConceptCok3ster 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Capital 30 (Image credit: Revolved)

Capital30revolved 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Cross Fate City Concept (Image credit: Adimono)

crossfatecityconceptadimono 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Smog (Image credit: Alexiuss)

Smogalexiuss 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future City (Image credit: Pevel)

FuturecityPevel 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Speedpaint – Future City (Image credit: Antifan-Real)

SpeedpaintFutureCityANTIFANREAL 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Dark City (Image credit: Vaghauk)

DarkCityVaghauk 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Egypt – 2070 (Image credit: Merl1ncz)

Prague2075merl1ncz 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Of The Future 2 (Image credit: Xizeon)

CityOfTheFuture2Xizeon 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

SFM X-mas – Sci-fi City (Image credit: Enterprise-E)

SFMXmasEnterpriseE 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future City Too (Image credit: RobertDBrown)

futurecitytoorobertdbrown 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future Cityscape 1 (Image credit: Jarling-art)

FutureCityscape1jarlingart 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Inner City (Image credit: Aksu)

Innercityaksu 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future City (Image credit: Xboxpsycho)

FutureCityXboxpsycho 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City of the Future (Image credit: Blackangel559)

cityofthefutureblackangel559 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Epic (Image credit: Christian Stoll)

epicchristianstoll 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Microcity (Image credit: David Fuhrer)

microcitydavidfuhrer 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Paradigm Shift – Zone Zero (Image credit: Aiven – Yvan Feusi and Gaetan Weltzer)

paradigmshift 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Fantasy on City Image in the Future (Image credit: Yaroslav Shkriblyak)

YaroslavShkriblyak 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Dark Tales of the Future (Image credit: Rasmus Poulsen)

rasmuspoulsen 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Advent of Yellowstone (Image credit: Theswordsman77)

adventofyellowstonetheswordsman77 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Organic City (Image credit: Spivak000)

organiccityspivak000 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Gravity City (Image credit: Yonaz)

GravityCity 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Concept: Futuristic City (Image credit: I-NetGraFX)

ConceptFuturisticCityINetGraFX 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Bold Visions – City Docks (Image credit: Antifan-Real)

BoldVisionsCityDocks 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Underwater City (Image credit: Nkabuto)

underwatercitynkabuto 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Meduzarts: Subaru Ep3, Concept (Image credit: I-NetGraFX)

MeduzartsSubaruEp3INetGraFX 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Different World – Different Time (Image credit: Caucasian-eagle)

Differentworlddifferenttime 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Megastructure (Image credit: Hideyoshi)

MegastructureHideyoshi 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Epocholis (Image credit: Jenovah-Art)

epocholisjenovahart 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Mirai Millennium SF BG (Image credit: Pinakes)

miraimillenniumsfbgpinakes 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Cityscape (Image credit: Erenarik)

Cityscapeerenarik 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Ultracity (Image credit: Guitfiddle)

Ultracityguitfiddle 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Metropolis (Image credit: Hideyoshi)

metropolishideyoshi 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Concept 3 (Image credit: Voyager212)

Cityconcept3Voyager212 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

London 2063 (Image credit: Grivetart)

London2063Grivetart 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Magic Hour (Image credit: Benef)

MagicHourBenef 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Red Dawn (Image credit: Unfor54k3n)

RedDawnunfor54k3n 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Dome City (Image credit: PixelObsession)

domecitypixelobsession 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future Of City (Image credit: Arielitem)

futureofcityarielitem 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Glide Down to the Future City (Image credit: ROMAgfx)

glidedowntothefuturecity 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

A New City (Image credit: Dekus)

AnewcityDekus 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Mountain City (Image credit: ApneicMonkey)

mountaincityapneicmonkey 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Ship Highway (Image credit: PixelObsession)

shiphighwaypixelobsession 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Capital Megacity (Image credit: Julian399)

capitalmegacityjulian399 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Skypollution (Image credit: Izaskun)

skypollutionIzaskun 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future-City Speedy (Image credit: Brehnman)

futurecityspeedybrehnman 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Plate City (Image credit: Farkwhad)

platecityfarkwhad 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Dwellings (Image credit: AdoC)

DwellingsAdoC 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Fallen Concept (Image credit: AdoC)

FallenConceptAdoC 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Vulcanae (Image credit: Gizmodus)

Vulcanaegizmodus 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Mirandopolis: Birdcage District (Image credit: Gizmodus)

MirandopolisBirdcageDistrict 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Rainy Dawn (Image credit: Voyager212)

RainyDawnVoyager212 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Sci-Fi City (Image credit: TomEdwardsConcepts)

scificity 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The Desert Labs (Image credit: Shadowtuga)

thedesertlabs 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Speedpaint_73 (Image credit: Concept-on-mac)

speedpaint73conceptonmac 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Glass Prison Sci-fi City (Image credit: GutsBerserk)

GlassPrisonScificityGutsBerserk 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Techno-Oasis (Image credit: Julian399)

technooasisjulian399 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Fast Food City (Image credit: PE-Travers)

FastfoodcityPETravers 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Plaza (Image credit: Guitfiddle)

Plazaguitfiddle 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Futuristic City (Image credit: Brehnman)

futuristiccitybrehnman 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The City (Image credit: Urielbeaupre)

thecityurielbeaupre 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Babylon (Image credit: Unfor54k3n)

Babylonunfor54k3n 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Vertical Urban Scrawl (Image credit: JakeMurray)

verticalurbanscrawl 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Mad City (Image credit: Nelson808)

MadCitynelson808 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The Rule of Law (Image credit: Arsdraw)

theruleoflawarsdraw 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Design 1 (Image credit: Datamonkey-ultima)

CityDesign1Datamonkeyultima 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Future (Image credit: Mmmarcin)

Futuremmmarcin 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Edge of Precipice (Image credit: Taenaron)

EdgeofPrecipicetaenaron 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

2210 (Image credit: 3yen)

22103yen 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Sun City (Image credit: Adimono)

suncityadimono 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The Future Harbor (Image credit: Yunhyunjung)

thefutureharboryunhyunjung 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Towers (Image credit: Aksu)

CityTowersaksu 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Sci-fi City (Image credit: Diversebeing)

scificityDiversebeing 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The Three Sisters (Image credit: Nelson808)

THETHREESISTERSnelson808 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Spear City (Image credit: TheTrashCaretaker)

SpearCityTheTrashCaretaker 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Ballpoint City Digital Color (Image credit: RKGfXnl)

BallpointcitydigitalcolorRKGfXnl 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Canyon City (Image credit: AndreeWallin)

CanyoncityAndreeWallin 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Windy City (Image credit: Hideyoshi)

WindyCityHideyoshi 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Night (Image credit: Molybdenumgp03)

citynightmolybdenumgp03 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Underwater City (Image credit: Lostsoul121)

UnderwaterCitylostsoul121 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

The City of Dharchonia (Image credit: TateishiEigo)

ThecityofDharchoniaTateishiEigo 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Hidden City (Image credit: Molybdenumgp03)

hiddencitymolybdenumgp03 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Bridge City (Image credit: Loboto)

BRIDGECITYloboto 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Futuristic City (Image credit: Milkmom)

FuturisticCityMilkmom 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Visari Env 02 (Image credit: Ichitakaseto)

visarienv02ichitakaseto 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Temple (Image credit: Xenomorph-designs)

Templexenomorphdesigns 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

City Lights (Image credit: Breaker213)

citylightsbreaker213 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Silence (Image credit: Nitro-killer)

silencenitrokiller 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks

Utopia (Image credit: Adimono)

utopiaadimono 100 Imaginative Cities of the Future Artworks


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