
Drawing Realistic iPad2 in Photoshop

Posted by Harshad

Drawing Realistic iPad2 in Photoshop

Drawing Realistic iPad2 in Photoshop

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:06 AM PDT

iPad 2! Many love it, many want it, but not many can draw it. Surprisingly, drawing it and its smart cover is not hard at all! In this tutorial I’m gonna show you how to create a complete iPad 2 with its smart cover, just exactly like the result below:

ipad 2 with smart cover Drawing Realistic iPad2 in Photoshop

We will use lots of layer styles and vector drawing, and may be some passion to complete this sleek product. Let’s get started!

Step 1: iPad Basic Shape

Start by creating a new file with size 1500×800 px. Activate rounded rectangle tool. Set its mode to shape with radius 15 px and color: #f5f5f5.

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Add Layer Style Inner Glow and Stroke.

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Step 2: Screen

Draw a rectangle inside the iPad.

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Add Layer Style Stroke.

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Step 3

Let’s create a simple image for the screen content. Create new layer and make sure it is on top of the screen layer. Paint some colors using a soft brush. Convert layer to Clipping mask by pressing Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + G. Everything you paint is now inside the screen.

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Step 4: Home Button

Draw an ellipse on lower part of the iPad. Set its Fill to 0%.

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Add Layer Style Inner Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, and Gradient Overlay.

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Step 5

In the center of the button, draw a rounded rectangle. Set its Fill to 0%. Add Layer Style Stroke.

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Step 6: Camera

Draw a small black on top part of the iPad for its camera.

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Step 7: Dock

Draw a rectangle covering on lower part of the screen. Set its color to #b1a9a9. Add Layer Style <span class="key">.

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Step 8

Hit Ctrl/Cmd + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective.

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Step 9

Pull top corner inward until we get a dock shape.

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Step 10

Draw white shape as seen below. Hit Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + G to convert it to Clipping Mask. Reduce its opacity to 50%.

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This shape will become a reflection on the dock.

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Step 11

Grab a nice iPhone icons set, Aquaticus from marcelomarfil. Place four of them on the screen.

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Step 12

Place the icons on a group named icons. Select all icon layers by clicking on the first icon then Shift + click the last icon. Activate move tool. From the option bar click icon Distribute Horizontal Center and Align Vertical Center. You will have a nice alignment and distributed icons on the screen.

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Step 13

Repeat previous step to add more icons on screen and on dock.

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Step 14

Select icon layers on dock. Hit Ctrl/Cmd + E to merge them into one layer. Hit Ctrl/Cmd + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Flip Vertical.

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Step 15

Add layer mask. Draw linear gradient from white to black until the reflection fades.

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Step 16: Screen Reflection

Use lasso polygon tool to create a triangular selection on top right corner of the screen. Fill selection with white.

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Step 17

Add layer mask. Draw linear gradient from white to black until the reflection on the screen fades away. Put the reflection layer into a group and name it Screen Reflection.

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Step 18

Ctrl/Cmd + click iPad layer to create a selection based on its shape. Add layer mask onto the group. This way, the screen reflection is inside the screen.

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Step 19: Smart Cover

Draw following shape. Use #6ebced for its color.

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Add Layer Styles Gradient Overlay.

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Step 20

Above smart cover draw a rounded rectangle shape and set its Fill to 0%.

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Add Bevel and Emboss.

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Step 21

Duplicate the shape.

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Step 22

Hit Ctrl/Cmd + T to perform transformation. Right click and choose Perspective. Pull top right corner until the shape match smart cover perspective.

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Step 23

Draw a rounded rectangle with color: #82858a. Perform perspective transformation again until we have outer side of the smart cover.

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Step 24

Add Layer Styles Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.

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Step 26

Draw another rounded rectangle and place it inside shape we have just created.

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Step 27

Add Layer Style Bevel and Emboss and set its Fill to 0%.

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Step 28

Hit Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + G to convert shape into clipping mask and place the effect inside the cover.

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Step 29: Hinges

Draw a rectangle on left side of the cover. Set its color to #6ebced.

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Add Gradient Overlay.

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Step 30

Draw a smaller rectangle behind previous shape with color: #e6e6e6.

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Add Layer Style Gradient Overlay to add three dimensional appearances onto the shape.

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Step 31: Shadow

Hold Ctrl/Cmd then click the iPad basic shape layer to create a selection based on its shape. Create new layer and place it under smart cover. Paint a soft shadow on the screen surface using big soft brush.

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Step 32

Do not remove the selection. Next, draw a soft shadow with low opacity brush on lower side of the iPad. This will be a soft cast shadow from the floor.

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Step 33

Create new layer and place it under all layers. Paint darker shadow under the iPad using a big soft brush. Reduce its Opacity to 50%.

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Step 34

Draw bigger and softer shadow. Reduce its opacity to 5%.

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Step 35

Now, set your brush to smaller size but keep its hardness to 0% to maintain its softness. Draw darker shadow right under the iPad. Set its opacity to 50%.

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Step 36

Zoom in to see smart cover closer. Draw a dark shadow right under the smart cover.

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Step 37

Draw shadow on the floor behind smart cover.

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This is what the shadow looks like if we hide the smart cover.

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Step 38: Final Result

This is the result of our tutorial. I hope you learn new technique and have some fun following this tutorial. Thank you for reading. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

final Drawing Realistic iPad2 in Photoshop

Download PSD

Can’t achieve certain step? Here is the result’s PSD file for you to test and play with.


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