
Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Posted by Harshad

Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Posted: 29 Oct 2010 08:21 AM PDT

What do you first notice before you start reading an article’s content? It’s the title and title delivers the basic idea of what is to be discussed in an article. For example, people are able to catch the drift of an advertisement base on its title. If you manage to produce a magnetic title, you are for the win because when a title is appealing and interesting, people will take the content of your article seriously. Choosing the right font for your article is crucial because it’s your audience’s first impression.

headline titles Beautiful (Free) Fonts for Titles and Headlines

Applying a suitable font for a title or headline is a challenging task because every different headline will need a different font to make its title appealing and interesting. In today’s post, we’ve compiled some free and yet still eye catching fonts that are suitable for titles and headlines. Feel free to mix and match because there are no conventional rules when it comes to font. Be creative and we hope this will contribute to your awesome title.

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