
Video: Four ways Windows 7 will affect Windows Server admins

Posted by Harshad

Video: Four ways Windows 7 will affect Windows Server admins

Video: Four ways Windows 7 will affect Windows Server admins

Posted: 15 Mar 2010 07:06 AM PDT

Windows 7 wasn’t just a big deal for the desktop. It was released along with Windows Server 2008 R2, so there were also important consequences for server administrators. During this TR Dojo episode, I outline the following four OS features that are important to Windows Server administrators:

  1. DirectAccess
  2. Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7
  3. BranchCache
  4. AppLocker
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For those who prefer text to video, you can click the Transcript link that appears below the video player window or read the following TechRepublic articles:

Use the following Microsoft links to download the tools I discuss in the video and learn more about Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 features:

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